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Grant Programs

How We Work

Grants-in-Aid (GIA) 


SFAfA joins forces with Veterinary hospitals and provides grants for companion animals whose owners cannot afford urgent, and often life saving veterinary care. These grants are called grants-in-aid (GIA). The veterinary hospitals in turn match grants provided, 1:1. 



The Ingrid Tauber Fund for Animals (TFA) 


The Tauber Foundation has been a steadfast supporter of our cause, providing funding since January 2017. Originally established to address high-cost cases in veterinary care, 

Image by Mikhail Vasilyev

the TFA program has become an integral part of our mission. Veterinarians working with SFAfA can seek supplemental funding through TFA, especially for more expensive cases.  To help the hospitals and their clients afford higher treatment costs, TFA requires a reduced match from our partner hospitals. 


History: The TFA's significant impact continued to show when the Tubbs Fire ravaged areas in fall 2017. Recognizing our efforts to assist hospitals and families affected by this disaster, Ingrid Tauber generously contributed additional funds to establish a dedicated fire fund. This Fire Fund, requiring no hospital match, also played a crucial role during the devastating Camp Fire in fall 2018, aiding numerous evacuated animals and those in fire-impacted areas. The combined support of the TFA and individual donors was instrumental in saving many pets, especially for owners who had lost everything.


As we enter our eighth year of partnership, we reflect on the TFA's unwavering commitment to animal welfare. We owe our gratitude to the Ingrid D. Tauber Fund for their compassionate and ongoing support, which has been a lifeline for countless animals in need.

The process

Veterinary Clinics all across the Bay Area join our program.

The patient is treated by the veterinanrian clinic.

SAFA grants new funds each year

Veterinarians identify cases at their hospital that meet SFAfA guidelines and determine if a grant should be offered to the family.

Once treatment is completed, paperwork is submitted to SFAfA and we send grant funds to the hospital.

Contact Us
Join our mailing list


Donate online or mail a check 

Make payable to “San Francisco Aid for Animals”
Inquiring Systems, Inc.
887 Sonoma Ave #23
Santa Rosa CA 95404-6509

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